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Gesponsorde links
Kennisborging kennisoverdracht
De continuïteit van uw organisatie loopt gevaar omdat een belangrijk aantal (externe) medewerkers uw organisatie verlaat. dit artikel beschrijft hoe u de specifieke kennis van deze medewerkers kunt vasthouden in uw organisatie. dit is méér dan het schrijven van een exit-rapport. het vereist aandacht voor kennisoverdracht, een goede bewaking op de realisatie van de kennisoverdracht en borging van de overgedragen kennis in de organisatie

Kennisdeling bij abm/amro
kennisdeling bij abm/amro

Experts publiceren artikelen, cases, white papers, rapporten, trainingen, advies, beleid, plan van aanpak en strategie documenten

Intellectual capital links
Provides an extensive overview of intellectual capital resources: website of dr.christiaan stam

Competence and competency
competence and competency

Bedrijfsprestaties en leeftijd
Pleidooi voor flexibele AOW. "Koppel het recht op AOW aan het arbeidsverleden." Dat is de boodschap van Joop Schippers (OSA-directeur Arbeidsmarkt en Beleid en hoogleraar aan de Universiteit Utrecht), Jolande Sap (Tweede-Kamerlid voor GroenLinks) en Jan Nijssen (directeur Montae en Netspar-fellow). Als iedereen na bijvoorbeeld 45 jaar betaald werk - of zorg - met pensioen kan, snijdt het mes aan twee kanten: de steeds grotere groep hoger opgeleiden die pas na een HBO- of universitaire opleiding de arbeidsmarkt betreden, zal doorwerken tot hun 67e of 68e.

Brint's online km book
Having spent last 20 years or so in the design of technology-based systems, i believe that technology is the easier part of the knowledge management equation... or any management equation. the more challenging parts are keeping technology, as well as the business processes and business models built upon it, in sync with the radically changing business environment and the evolving psyche of modern organizations and modern knowledge workers. important questions that most enlightened ceos, cios and cfos must ask their delegates include: 'how are investments in new technologies justified?' 'why our systems do not deliver the expected business performance outcomes?' 'what are the critical success factors necessary for technology based systems to deliver the expected business performance outcomes?' 'how can new information technologies and information systems facilitate adaptability of business models and business processes to prevent business failure?' this online book would hopefully help you track these 'vital indicators' before, while, and after you implement the information technologies and systems to ensure that they do not get relegated to the heap of 'project failures' and 'missed targets' that increasingly characterize the landscape of organizational transformation.

Collective wisdom initiative
collective wisdom initiative


Km activiteiten
km activiteiten

Overview lerende organisaties
An overview of key concepts related to organizational learning and learning organizations covering questions such as: what is organizational learning? what is a learning organization? what is adaptive learning vs. generative learning? what's the managers' role in the learning organization? what's the relationship between strategy and organizational learning? what is the role of information systems in the learning organization? does it impose any constraints on organizational learning?

Peter senge: master of change
peter senge: master of change

Society of org. learning
society of org. learning

Organisational learning and cops
organisational learning and cops

Org. development portal
Od books, links, associations and useful information. also leadership, training, and elearning information, books and links.

Knowledge networking
knowledge networking

Knowledge sharing
knowledge sharing

Onzin van kennismanagement
Examines critically the origins and basis of 'knowledge management', its components and its development as a field of consultancy practice. problems in the distinction between 'knowledge' and 'information' are explored, as well as polanyi's concept of 'tacit knowing'. the concept is examined in the journal literature, the web sites of consultancy companies, and in the presentation of business schools. the conclusion is reached that 'knowledge management' is an umbrella term for a variety of organizational activities, none of which is concerned with the management of knowledge. those activities that are not concerned with the management of information are concerned with the management of work practices, in the expectation that changes in such areas as communication practice will enable information sharing.

Waarde van wie je kent
waarde van wie je kent

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